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发表于 2004-4-21 12:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
HAPPY HORSE YEAR!!     2002-02-13

Dear all
This is the first time I'm in this newly designed webpage...looks interesting.

This year, I spent the new year in Shenzhen cos I had to perform there. It was an incredible experience. For my item alone, there were probably 200 people....there were people in robots suit and carnival vehicles and foreigners standing and waving from a big globe behind. Wa, tiny me was overwhelmed....then there were the fireworks and confetti etc etc... hahaha..

Before the performance, we were sleeping, eating and shopping and playing cards EVERY SINGLE DAY. Because the rehearsals were always on schedule, we always look at each other in disbelief when it is over in 10 minutes. Then the card playing began. The stakes were high and our reputations were at stake.There was no money involved, but hey, who says money is everything?

Anyway, the bottom line is, I had a great time in shenzhen. The food was fantastic and the shopping's unbelievably cheap. And even though I could not spend it with my family, it was certainly memorable. Will I do it again? Sure, but on Chinese New Year's Eve? hmm.....

Here's wishing all of you a healthy and wealthy Horse Year!!!!!

PS: I'm a horse!


這是我自從換了版面以後第一次上來. 看起來蠻新鮮的.

我今年的新年因為要表演, 所以就在深鎮 (sorry.. 我的電腦裡沒有正確的那個 ㄓㄣˋ ) 度過了. 那是一個非常令人難忘的經驗. 光是我的表演, 就有差不多 200 個人 (在台上?! ). 有人穿著機器人裝, 有的在嘉年華花車裡, 也有從外地來的人站在後面的大 globe 招著手.
哇! 嬌小的我真的覺得快被淹沒了
然後就是一陣煙火和從天空飄下的五彩碎紙. 哈哈哈

在正式表演之前, 我們 "每天" 都在睡覺, 吃, shopping 和玩牌, 因為彩排總是很按時. 而當少於十分鐘的彩排過去之後, 我們大家總是不敢相信的看著對方, 然後繼續玩牌囉!
這是個很大的表演, 一不小心, 我們的名聲就毀了. 而且並沒有演出費, 但是 hey?!誰說金錢就是全部?!

總而言之, 我在深鎮的時間過的非常愉快. 那裡的食物很好吃, 東西更是令人無法相信的便宜. 雖然我不能跟我的家人一起度過, 但是我覺得這個表演對我來說十分有紀念性.
你問我下次還會不會再去表演?! 當然啦! 但是要是又在農曆新年的話..... hmmm

在這裡就祝大家有個健康, 發大財的馬年囉!
(ps. 我是屬馬的!)


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:32 | 显示全部楼层

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Please Please come to my concert  2002-02-26


This is a plea from me to ask all of you to come. I am under stress. The nightmare that only 10 of you turned up seems real and frightening. ok ok if you are having exams then.....er...then.....er... nevermind.

heheheh I went to the gym today.....guess I must work even harder. JIA YOU!!!!


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:34 | 显示全部楼层

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Post-concert thoughts  2002-03-25

Hallo everyone


There are so many things I want to say but don't know where to start. I'm so happy, so happy that I completed my first concert. I put in so much so much time and sweat in it that when I stepped down the stage after the last song, the tears just kept falling and falling. It was my dream come true, the dance, the music arrangement, the clothes, the crowd. It was everything I want in my concert. THANKS FOR COMING.

And I want to say. Don't worry about me not being myself. Don't worry about my company making me someone I'm not. Because they can't. And I don't need to be different to be better. I think, I only need to be myself.

If one day I were to stop singing on stage, I know I can spend the rest of my life in obscurity because of everyone of you and all these memories.

Thank you very very much.


Hallo everyone

    There are so many things I want to say but don't know where to start. I'm so happy, so happy that I completed my first concert. I put in so much so much time and sweat in it that when I stepped down the stage after the last song, the tears just kept falling and falling. It was my dream come true, the dance, the music arrangement, the clothes, the crowd. It was everything I want in my concert. THANKS FOR COMING.


    And I want to say. Don't worry about me not being myself. Don't worry about my company making me someone I'm not. Because they can't. And I don't need to be different to be better. I think, I only need to be myself.


    If one day I were to stop singing on stage, I know I can spend the rest of my life in obscurity because of everyone of you and all these memories.


    Thank you very very much.




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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:37 | 显示全部楼层

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h'lo   2002-03-29


Was sleeping when I received the news...been busy these few days you see.

These few days I've been recording the new album...pretty good I think. THere is one particular song which I think is great. The lyrics are well written....but then again, my chinese is not fantastic....heheheh. But when I read the lyrics, I can feel it. This song is going to make some people cry.

I guess the workload is getting to me, I've been impatient and irritable. But tomorrow will be a better day, cos I'm going to buy myself a dog (the dog that "M" gave had to be returned, I cannot possibly keep a dog in Taiwan).

SO, I will have company. And I'm looking forward to it.

And since I'm on to the next album, I shall share something with all of you:

Give me the courage to speak as I stand
And spew, my uncontinuos, unwavering thoughts
My beliefs, my two cents worth
The courage to be the one who withstands
All my ideals of a great man
To be the best even if no one is watching
To run as fast as my legs would take me
even if, I'm the last to cross the line

('I forgot this part')

To let myself die a little
When you take that part of me away




    Was sleeping when I received the news...been busy these few days you see.

    These few days I've been recording the new album...pretty good I think. THere is one particular song which I think is great. The lyrics are well written....but then again, my chinese is not fantastic....heheheh. But when I read the lyrics, I can feel it. This song is going to make some people cry.

    I guess the workload is getting to me, I've been impatient and irritable. But tomorrow will be a better day, cos I'm going to buy myself a dog (the dog that "M" gave had to be returned, I cannot possibly keep a dog in Taiwan).

    SO, I will have company. And I'm looking forward to it.

    And since I'm on to the next album, I shall share something with all of you:

Give me the courage to speak as I stand
And spew, my uncontinuos, unwavering thoughts
My beliefs, my two cents worth
The courage to be the one who withstands
All my ideals of a great man
To be the best even if no one is watching
To run as fast as my legs would take me
even if, I'm the last to cross the line

('I forgot this part')

To let myself die a little
When you take that part of me away


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:40 | 显示全部楼层

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you can do it!  2002-04-03


finally I have finished my work in Singapore, will be flying off tomorrow....BUT I think my grandma is unwell.....so is sonny (The Other Male in the Family). Very worrying.

Sonny, like me is picky about food, so he collapsed 2 days ago and I had to wake up to bring him to the vet.....he is recovering, I hope!!

With so little time, I'm trying as hard as I can to do a good album. I think I've become a more difficult person....heheheh, quite unlike the laid back pace that I'm more acustomed to. But you know, when you don't have a choice, you make the best out of what you have.

So work hard young ones. You are only young once.
Let's 'JIA YOU' together.


you can do it!

finally I have finished my work in Singapore, will be flying off tomorrow....BUT I think my grandma is unwell.....so is sonny (The Other Male in the Family). Very worrying.
Sonny, like me is picky about food, so he collapsed 2 days ago and I had to wake up to bring him to the vet.....he is recovering, I hope!!
With so little time, I'm trying as hard as I can to do a good album. I think I've become a more difficult person....heheheh, quite unlike the laid back pace that I'm more acustomed to. But you know, when you don't have a choice, you make the best out of what you have.
So work hard young ones. You are only young once.
Let's 'JIA YOU' together.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:42 | 显示全部楼层

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.   2002-04-21

I've been to heaven and back.


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:48 | 显示全部楼层

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HAllo  2002-04-30


Singapore's concert is over...heheh..I sang my lungs out that night, and dance with all my 'fiendish' might....heheh....I guess Singaporeans are way too shy.....maybe I wouldn't be as warm in my idol's concert, I don't know. But I'm glad the people I knew enjoyed it.

BUT I really want to thank those enthusiastic few, with their banners and neon lights. I'm sure they all take time to prepare....they really light up the otherwise 'sedate' concert. And the fans from HK! Wa, I really think they are spending too much money. Save it for a rainy day, I'm sure all your money are hard-earned....like mine. But thank you very very much, it's very encouraging.

Personally I think I talked too little during the concert.....I'm just so bad at this. I comfort myself by thinking I'm a 'singer', my main job is to sing, not talk...=P I think I communicate better through writing.....maybe, they should do pamphlets and pass them around during the concert so I can concentrate on my performance? no lar. that's a bad idea.

These few days, I've been thinking about a lot a LOT of issues. Issues that I haven't been giving thought. If you are given something that u have always wanted (e.g. a 5 carat diamond, a wonderful spouse, Fantastic grades, a flying horse whatever) but you can't tell anyone about it nor share your happiness with anyone.......will you want it?

Just a little something to keep those of you idle busy.

ok see you soon.


I sang my lungs out that night(不太會翻這一句 但應該是指老大用它的真感情在唱吧 I guess :P) 以及盡可能的跳我那"難看"的舞蹈吧...(嗚 不知有無翻錯)
嘿嘿嘿 我覺得新加坡人 一般來說都太害羞ㄌ
也可能是我未在我的演唱會中 表現出我的熱情吧
我不知道 但 我很高興我所認識的人都很欣賞這一場演唱會

但我衷心的要謝謝那些熱誠的少數歌迷 及他們的旗幟以及霓光棒
我相信他們都是有花時間在準備這些東西 要不是他們的話 這將會是一場"安靜"的演唱會...還有 要感謝從香港趕來的歌迷!!
哇 我真的覺得他們花ㄌ太多錢ㄌ!!
將這些錢存起來 為ㄌ之後的不知的困境
但仍然非非常非常的感謝你們 那對我是一個很大的鼓舞

我安慰著我自己 想著"我只是個歌手" 我的主要工作只不過是唱歌
在演唱會期間 他們應該做ㄍ小冊子 及 放在他們四周
錯啦 這是個壞主意啦!!
(我想應該是指做小抄 來說話吧!!)

這幾天,我想過了有關很多很多的問題。那些問題我想不出來。如果你被給予了一樣東西,那是你一直想要擁有的(例如 一個五克拉的鑽石,一個很棒的配偶,很棒的成績單,一匹會飛的馬,諸如此類的)但是你無法告訴任何人有關你所想要的,也不能與任何人一起分享它.......這樣一來,你還想要追求這樣的東西嗎?

這只是個小小的思考問題 讓你們在閒暇時來想想的

ok 希望很快能在見到你們


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:50 | 显示全部楼层

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Hey hey soccer fever  2002-06-21

HI I'm watching England vs Brazil...The score is now 1-0...


I love holidays....I had such a great time in HK and Bali....I wish I can spend more time at home.....Wa I hear my neighbours screaming....must be another goal...

byebye I'm off to watch TV!!!

(will be back again soon)


HI I'm watching England vs Brazil...The score is now 1-0...
(LEO Man補充:有史以來最美麗的世界杯足球賽播報員孫燕姿報導……)


    I love holidays....I had such a great time in HK and Bali....I wish I can spend more time at home.....Wa I hear my neighbours screaming....must be another goal...

    byebye I'm off to watch TV!!!
(will be back again soon)


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:53 | 显示全部楼层

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hi all   2002-07-04


Yesterday I went shopping with my mum. I realise it is an almost impossible task. Every now and then I have to autograph......speaking of autograph, I really didn't want the malaysian guy to regret, me signing on his guitar. Didn't expect the hoo-ha over it. Maybe I should have, considering how he lugged it to my autograph session.


how's everyone? Why is it you seldom answer this question? I most certainly want to know what is going on in your life, that is different from mine, that may seem mundane to you but might probably be most desirable to me.

ok I have to go.....hope everyone is well tonite!!



    Yesterday I went shopping with my mum. I realise it is an almost impossible task. Every now and then I have to autograph......speaking of autograph, I really didn't want the malaysian guy to regret, me signing on his guitar. Didn't expect the hoo-ha over it. Maybe I should have, considering how he lugged it to my autograph session.


    how's everyone? Why is it you seldom answer this question? I most certainly want to know what is going on in your life, that is different from mine, that may seem mundane to you but might probably be most desirable to me.

    ok I have to go.....hope everyone is well tonite!!


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:56 | 显示全部楼层

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IT'S MY BIRTHDAY   2002-07-23



You know, I had about 7 cakes so far.....isn't that amazing? I even had one a few thousand miles above ground....travel SIA.

It's nice to be home on my birthday......spending it with friends and family, then seeing all your well wishes on the net. THANK YOU GUYS!

AND YOU KNOW WHAT? MY COUSIN IS IN THE LABOUR ROOM>... WHICH MEANS I MAY HAVE A nephew on my birthday!!! I wish....I wish....that will be really special.

ok gotto go.

birthday girl,



    You know, I had about 7 cakes so far.....isn't that amazing? I even had one a

few thousand miles above ground....travel SIA.


    It's nice to be home on my birthday......spending it with friends and family,

then seeing all your well wishes on the net. THANK YOU GUYS!



nephew on my birthday!!! I wish....I wish....that will be really special.


    ok gotto go.

birthday girl,


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 12:58 | 显示全部楼层

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THank you!   2002-08-05


I'm home!

Yesterday's concert went pretty well.....except for the ridiculously loud explosion and the wobbly chair.....other than that, i like it.

Big thank you to all the fans from Malaysia, singapore, hk, taiwan and wherever else I missed. You know I don't like you all to spend unnecessary money. so please save it for a rainy day.....or help someone like Yanfang with that money?? aiyo I'm such a nag.

Doing concerts is really exhausting....but it's beginning to grow on me.....it sure beats promotion!! wahaha

I'm going to watch movies over the next few days n of course, prepare for my NDP performance....can't bear to think about it. Sends shivers down my spine.

Today I bought dilbert and feng shui book, think I will go study it after I bathe.

life is good so far for me, hope everyone is having a good time too.




I'm home!
Yesterday's concert went pretty well.....except for the ridiculously loud explosion and the wobbly chair.....other than that, i like it.
昨天的演唱會進行的相當的完美 除了可笑的巨大爆炸和那搖擺不定的椅子之外,其他的我都相當滿意
Big thank you to all the fans from Malaysia, singapore, hk, taiwan and wherever else I missed. You know I don't like you all to spend unnecessary money. so please save it for a rainy day.....or help someone like Yanfang with that money?? aiyo I'm such a nag.
Doing concerts is really exhausting....but it's beginning to grow on me.....it sure beats promotion!! wahaha
辦一場演唱會是很累的...但是對我來說這是個成長的開始...它確實促使我成長不少 哇哈哈
I'm going to watch movies over the next few days n of course, prepare for my NDP performance....can't bear to think about it. Sends shivers down my spine.
Today I bought dilbert and feng shui book, think I will go study it after I bathe.
life is good so far for me, hope everyone is having a good time too.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:02 | 显示全部楼层

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insomnia   2002-08-06

I have insomnia.

slept at 7 am this morning.

the feeling is disgusting. by the way, my feng shui book sucked.

read jolin 's message,

*sigh only an artiste friend can understand an artiste friend best. Things will only get better for her. I really wish that she finds love just as I wish I would. For the greatest of all is love.


I have insomnia.

    slept at 7 am this morning.

    the feeling is disgusting. by the way, my feng shui book sucked.

    read jolin 's message,
    剛剛看了BBC轉PO的依林新書內容( http://www.warnermusic.com.tw/community/forum/topic.php?forum_description=%AE%5D%BFP%AB%BA+Yanzi&cat_id=1&forum_id=483&topic_id=43258 )

*sigh only an artiste friend can understand an artiste friend best. Things will only get better for her. I really wish that she finds love just as I wish I would. For the greatest of all is love.


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:04 | 显示全部楼层

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a lazy day   2002-08-07

today I went to see Benjamin (same-bday-nephew). He is very cute.

Didn't do much today.....actually, I can't decide if I like work or idling better.....or dislike.

what else can I do? I need a new hobby......cannot waste time like that....the world is coming to an end in ......10 years? ok it's pure nonsense on my part.....but remember when everything comes to an end, you must have done whatever you wanted to do.

Let's see....

shopping is a waste of time

guitar is good

stickers are good.

gym is good.... but I'm so lazy after each concert.

food is bad....hehehe.....moderation is the key

books are good.

ok....hope tomorrow will be a better day.


today I went to see Benjamin (same-bday-nephew). He is very cute.
Didn't do much today.....actually, I can't decide if I like work or idling better.....or dislike.
what else can I do? I need a new hobby......cannot waste time like that....the world is coming to an end in ......10 years? ok it's pure nonsense on my part.....but remember when everything comes to an end, you must have done whatever you wanted to do.
我還可做些什麼呢? 我需要一樣新的嗜好……不能竟這樣浪費了時間…那個世界末日是不是在10年內啊?
Let's see....
shopping is a waste of time
guitar is good
stickers are good.
gym is good.... but I'm so lazy after each concert.
food is bad....hehehe.....moderation is the key
books are good.
ok....hope tomorrow will be a better day.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:07 | 显示全部楼层

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HALLO!!!    2002-08-12

Dear ALL

hi hi..

you know, that day at the Istana....I was way nervous. I didn't dare to look at them in the eye.....(Esp SM Lee Kuan Yew) but the president and the prime minister were very friendly.... then I avoided mingling by staying at a corner......the istana is very pretty. The white colonial building, the old graceful trees, all on top of a hill. The president is very lucky.

these few days, I have been busy catching up with my friends. We invented new games and played hide n seek. It was fun.

For your information, I did not lip sync a single song in my concerts. It was pure hard work in the gym for that kind of stamina. Believe me it is torture. I always refuse to work out once my concert is over.

ok I'm going to watch tv.

see you soon,


Dear ALL
hi hi..
you know, that day at the Istana....I was way nervous. I didn't dare to look at them in the eye.....(Esp SM Lee Kuan Yew) but the president and the prime minister were very friendly.... then I avoided mingling by staying at a corner......the istana is very pretty. The white colonial building, the old graceful trees, all on top of a hill. The president is very lucky.
就如你們大家所知道的,那天我在總統府...我從頭到尾都很緊張哩. 我不敢直視他們(特別是李光耀) 但是總統和總理非常的和善...然後我在那個角落裡待著以免我迷路 總統府是非常的漂亮的. 白色的殖民時代建築 古老優美的樹木 在整個山丘頂上 總統是非常幸運的呢
these few days, I have been busy catching up with my friends. We invented new games and played hide n seek. It was fun.
在這幾天,我忙著跟我的朋友們聚在一起 我們發明了幾個新的遊戲還玩了"捉迷藏"呢...
For your information, I did not lip sync a single song in my concerts. It was pure hard work in the gym for that kind of stamina. Believe me it is torture. I always refuse to work out once my concert is over.
透過你們的留言,我從來沒有在我的演唱會上採用對嘴唱歌過...在體育場裡要對嘴是非常的困難 相信我這些說法是扭曲的的謠言 我一向都是拒絕在我演唱會結束之後去做運動的
ok I'm going to watch tv.
好啦 我要去看電視囉
see you soon,

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:09 | 显示全部楼层

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yo   2002-09-05

hallo all

I'm really enjoying myself in singapore, every day I wake up at noon, read the papers, have lunch and read a book, go shopping, bring sonny out, play pool etc. Ab Fab.

recently I bought a book by irvine welsh - glue. but I haven't really got into it yet......wahaha cos I bought another book 101 reykjavik (or something like that)....fickle fickle.

and yet, These few days I worry over the way I spend my time. it feels so good when everything is at your pace. but it's like a stand still. if you are not moving forward, you might be slipping backwards.

how? ironical isn't it? When you have what you want, you don't know what to do with it.
MAkes you think twice about why you want it in the first place.

vell. I'm going for dinner, and then think about what to do next.



hallo all

I'm really enjoying myself in singapore, every day I wake up at noon, read the papers, have lunch and read a book, go shopping, bring sonny out, play pool etc. Ab Fab.

recently I bought a book by irvine welsh - glue. but I haven't really got into it yet......wahaha cos I bought another book 101 reykjavik (or something like that)....fickle fickle.
我最近買了irvine welsh的書-看得非常著迷。但我還沒有看到最精采的部份 ……哈哈哈,因為我買了另一本書叫做101 reykjavik(或之類的書名)……好花心。

and yet, These few days I worry over the way I spend my time. it feels so good when everything is at your pace. but it's like a stand still. if you are not moving forward, you might be slipping backwards.

how? ironical isn't it? When you have what you want, you don't know what to do with it.

MAkes you think twice about why you want it in the first place.

vell. I'm going for dinner, and then think about what to do next.



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:12 | 显示全部楼层

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DALIAN is a good place   2002-09-18


I just came back from china.....Dalian is quite a nice place. The climate is gd this time of the year. This time, after the performance, we went to the zoo! There were lions and hyenas and ostriches and this damn cute animal (TuoYang) I think it's a llama or watever.....wa I was telling them I want that for birthday. It is almost as tall as me, and it goes "meh meh" like a lamb. wa very cute. then we went to this part of a cliff whereby if you don't step on the car's accelerator, it will move backwards.....very amazing.

Then I got stuck in Beijing. At 11 pm at the beijing international airport, the people at china airlines refuse to help me get on the plane, saying I need a stamp on the ticket fr the Singapore airlines, which was obviously closed at that hour. They then say I can only get on if I purchase another ticket WHICH I REFUSE.

so I took my luggage and all back to the city and had a good dinner and sleep!

Don't give in to nasty people ok.

The reason why I sang a different song was because the ORGANIZERS thought "Cloudy Day" was too slow.

ok I gotta go....have a nice day everyone..


(標題)DALIAN is a good place

    I just came back from china.....Dalian is quite a nice place. The climate is gd this time of the year. This time, after the performance, we went to the zoo! There were lions and hyenas and ostriches and this damn cute animal (TuoYang) I think it's a llama or watever.....wa I was telling them I want that for birthday. It is almost as tall as me, and it goes "meh meh" like a lamb. wa very cute. then we went to this part of a cliff whereby if you don't step on the car's accelerator, it will move backwards.....very amazing.

(LEO Man按,感謝WWW找到的資料,關於「駝羊」的資料與照片,請看這裡 http://www.c-l.com.cn/docc/clnmhg.htm ,也是WWW找到的正面照片 http://home.kimo.com.tw/aibamali/essay/essay.htm 。嗯,另外我還找到資料 http://www.pep.com.cn/kexue/dwzw/dinosaur/0052.htm 駝羊是偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)駱駝科(Camelidae)駝羊屬(Lama)的生物)

    Then I got stuck in Beijing. At 11 pm at the beijing international airport, the people at china airlines refuse to help me get on the plane, saying I need a stamp on the ticket fr the Singapore airlines, which was obviously closed at that hour. They then say I can only get on if I purchase another ticket WHICH I REFUSE.

    so I took my luggage and all back to the city and had a good dinner and sleep!

    Don't give in to nasty people ok.

    The reason why I sang a different song was because the ORGANIZERS thought "Cloudy Day" was too slow.

    ok I gotta go....have a nice day everyone..


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:14 | 显示全部楼层

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happyhols.   2002-10-03

Dear all

How are you?

Well I went back to taiwan last week for some work and I watched Jay's concert. It was good. I'm sure Gnet would love to watch it wahaha.

I HAVE VERY GOOD NEWS. MY ELDER SISTER IS PREGNANT n I'm very very happy. Must protect her in Paris.... must go for good food then....wahahaha very happy.

My mum is going to be a grandmother....I don't think she likes the sound of that.... I won't.
boy or girl? I think little boys are a nuisance, but because we have so many girls in the family, I think a boy can be tolerated....heheh. ok anything as long as 'it' is healthy.

well my lasik will have to wait I suppose.....but LEO Man is amazingly resourceful, he actually listed the surgeon I asked for in singapore....must really hand it to you.

I think I'm going to have fun this time round. I have been unfocused for so long, I should at least be focused about having fun yes?



Dear all

    How are you?

    Well I went back to taiwan last week for some work and I watched Jay's concert. It was good. I'm sure Gnet would love to watch it wahaha.
    嗯,上個星期我有些工作要作,所以回台灣一趟。上週六(28日)晚上我也去看了周杰倫的「The One」演唱會,那演唱會真的很不錯。我很確定Gent一定會很喜歡的,哇哈哈。(LEO Man按:燕姿說的Gnet我一時無法確定是誰,稍晚確定再補充,哈,現在燕姿應該還在線上,要不然燕姿說清楚一點吧!)

    I HAVE VERY GOOD NEWS. MY ELDER SISTER IS PREGNANT n I'm very very happy. Must protect her in Paris.... must go for good food then....wahahaha very happy.

    My mum is going to be a grandmother....I don't think she likes the sound of that.... I won't.

    boy or girl? I think little boys are a nuisance, but because we have so many girls in the family, I think a boy can be tolerated....heheh. ok anything as long as 'it' is healthy.

    well my lasik will have to wait I suppose.....but LEO Man is amazingly resourceful, he actually listed the surgeon I asked for in singapore....must really hand it to you.
    嗯,我想我還是沒辦法很快去動雷射近視手術……不過LEO Man資料蒐集的能力真的超厲害的,我找的醫生竟然真的就在他整理出來的新加坡LASIK手術醫生名單裡面咧……這件事真的一定要告訴大家。

    I think I'm going to have fun this time round. I have been unfocused for so long, I should at least be focused about having fun yes?


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:19 | 显示全部楼层

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New songs, new album   2002-11-09


This holiday has been really long and satisfying.....and still there are a dozen things I want to do and complete. After travelling, I realise there are a million things to do.....isn't it ironic? The definition of living life is really still a mystery. Does it mean relaxing by a scenic place and watch the world go by? Or fulfilling your potential, making every day a challenge, an adventure? I guess the answer would be: enjoy by stages.

split our life into the different stages, then we begin to see more clearly what is the best thing to do, to optimise utillity.

too serious a topic, let's move on.

The reason why I don't type in Chinese because my thoughts does not flow as smoothly when I have to think of how to type the words.....so ....sorry please bear with me. And thank you all my translators.

Well, I am embarking on my next album soon. Another journey, another experience. I had a few interesting encounters this time round but I can't put it in words or music. But I have full confidence that the musicians around me will be able to help me. We have begin our collection for the next album. Believe me it is an arduous task. we are all stressed....heheh...pray for me!

I hope I will gather and get my song together soon......meanwhile enjoy your weekend!



    This holiday has been really long and satisfying.....and still there are a dozen things I want to do and complete.

    After travelling, I realise there are a million things to do.....isn't it ironic?

    The definition of living life is really still a mystery.

    Does it mean relaxing by a scenic place and watch the world go by?

    Or fulfilling your potential, making every day a challenge, an adventure?

    I guess the answer would be: enjoy by stages.

    split our life into the different stages, then we begin to see more clearly what is the best thing to do, to optimise utillity.
(LEO Man按:我猜想optimise utillity應該是optimize utility的筆誤)

    too serious a topic, let's move on.

    The reason why I don't type in Chinese because my thoughts does not flow as smoothly when I have to think of how to type the words.....so ....sorry please bear with me. And thank you all my translators.

    Well, I am embarking on my next album soon.

    Another journey, another experience.

    I had a few interesting encounters this time round but I can't put it in words or music.

    But I have full confidence that the musicians around me will be able to help me.

    We have begin our collection for the next album.

    Believe me it is an arduous task.

    we are all stressed....heheh...pray for me!

    I hope I will gather and get my song together soon......meanwhile enjoy your weekend!



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:23 | 显示全部楼层

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woohoo big hoohah    2002-11-19

hallo hallo

what a busy day for everyone! I'm in the studio now, recording for the next album. not bad not bad. really hope you all like it.

ok I haven't got much to share.....so maybe I should write off here.

I look forward to a well done album more than any award.



(標題)woohoo big hoohah
(LEO Man:雖然這幾天在新加坡聽了很多Singlish,還是不太確定燕姿這標題是什麼意思,新加坡朋友們能補充說明一下嗎?「嗚呴逼呴哈」?)

    hallo hallo

    what a busy day for everyone! I'm in the studio now, recording for the next album. not bad not bad. really hope you all like it.

    ok I haven't got much to share.....so maybe I should write off here.

    I look forward to a well done album more than any award.



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:25 | 显示全部楼层

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Tis the season to be jolly    2002-12-09


Christmas is here again! Although I can't be around for christmas, I really like the yuletide feel all around. I haven't gotten down to buy my presents cos I've been busy as HELL. Everynight when I get home, it's K.O time for me on the sofa. My mum always wake me up then I'll drag myself back to my room....my sofa is pretty comfy.

I hope you are all ready for my next album. After my recording, I will have to psyche myself up for the battle. I'M READY I'M READY!!!!!! yeah. After this long holiday, I really am ready. This album is more exciting than I'd expected. So I really hope you will enjoy the ride too...



標題:Tis the season to be jolly


    Christmas is here again! Although I can't be around for christmas, I really like the yuletide feel all around. I haven't gotten down to buy my presents cos I've been busy as HELL. Everynight when I get home, it's K.O time for me on the sofa. My mum always wake me up then I'll drag myself back to my room....my sofa is pretty comfy.

    I hope you are all ready for my next album. After my recording, I will have to psyche myself up for the battle. I'M READY I'M READY!!!!!! yeah. After this long holiday, I really am ready. This album is more exciting than I'd expected. So I really hope you will enjoy the ride too...



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:30 | 显示全部楼层

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HIYA   2003-01-31


I'm so happy to be home this Chinese New year! I remember last year, I was in Shenzhen. After my performance, I immediately went for a swim in the hotel I was staying. The life guard obviously did not know who I was.

" Hi, Why aren't you home for the new year?"
"I have to work."
"oh.....ok. Then why aren't you watching the New Year's program? It is a very important event here."

I figured if I told him I just finished performing, it would lead to a barage of questions. So I just feigned disinterest. As much as I hate to work during Christmas, New Year, Birthdays.....it was a very unforgettable experience in China. You could tell the importance of the event when the number of dancers is bigger than the number of audience, when the stage is bigger than the seating capacity, when there are all sorts of people from around the world to participate, when the recorded program is aired every single day for 1 week.

Still,I would rather be home.....sleeping till noon, waking up for lunch and newspaper, then sleeping till tea time, waking up for dinner and gathering of friends or relatives. I love the chinese new year celebration. The new bed sheets, pyjamas, bottles of pineapple tarts, chocolate, red packets, crates of oranges, 'gong xi fa cai', little children, little children gambling for that extra $2 pocket money and disheartened faces when their cards are lousy, etc etc. It's so festive.

I love holidays. I LOVE HAVING TIME OFF. I LOVE NOT DOING ANYTHING. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. But right now, I'm happy where I am.

Have a very happy new year, and may all of you have a smashing year!

(PS: I do not have my password for yanzi.com.tw Please post this message on that board on my behalf. Thank you.)



I'm so happy to be home this Chinese New year!
I remember last year, I was in Shenzhen. After my performance, I immediately went for a swim in the hotel I was staying.
The life guard obviously did not know who I was.

" Hi, Why aren't you home for the new year?"
"I have to work."
"oh.....ok. Then why aren't you watching the New Year's program? It is a very important event here."
(按:這是情話... )

I figured if I told him I just finished performing, it would lead to a barage of questions.
So I just feigned disinterest. As much as I hate to work during Christmas, New Year, Birthdays.....it was a very unforgettable experience in China.
You could tell the importance of the event when the number of dancers is bigger than the number of audience, when the stage is bigger than the seating capacity, when there are all sorts of people from around the world to participate, when the recorded program is aired every single day for 1 week.

Still,I would rather be home.....sleeping till noon, waking up for lunch and newspaper, then sleeping till tea time, waking up for dinner and gathering of friends or relatives.
I love the chinese new year celebration.
The new bed sheets, pyjamas, bottles of pineapple tarts, chocolate, red packets, crates of oranges, 'gong xi fa cai', little children, little children gambling for that extra $2 pocket money and disheartened faces when their cards are lousy, etc etc. It's so festive.

I love holidays. I LOVE HAVING TIME OFF. I LOVE NOT DOING ANYTHING. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. But right now, I'm happy where I am.
Have a very happy new year, and may all of you have a smashing year!
(PS: I do not have my password for yanzi.com.tw Please post this message on that board on my behalf. Thank you.)


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:33 | 显示全部楼层

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h'lo   2003-02-18


how\'s everyone?
I\'m having a break now....isn\'t that great? You know I\'m thinking of doing one of those french manicure thingy......when I tell people I never had a manicure done, they always look at me in disbelief. I certainly have something against those acrylic plastic looking things that they stick on top of your natural nail, making that part of the finger seem thick and odd, and it has this odd curvature, the hand transforms, almost claw-like. It\'s incredibly ugly. So I don\'t think I\'ill go for that.....

I tried as hard as I could to go through all the messages I\'ve missed.....but it\'s ALOT. So I\'m sorry if I missed out anything.

You know, warner has been a great company. We had a lot of fun together and they respect me as a person, not a product. They have always listened, and it has been a very enriching 3 years. Of course I\'ll love to work with them, all my people are there. But as you know, contractual stuff is always complicated. We need to have a common goal and objective. We need to decide and agree upon our obligations and prohibitions. Seeing eye to eye on the same platform, is not an easy task. But we are both willing to try. It\'s certainly our first steps to our next journey. So, thank you all for your concerns.

ok I\'m going to check out the nail place....see you soon ok?




how\'s everyone?

I\'m having a break now....isn\'t that great? You know I\'m thinking of doing one of those french manicure thingy......when I tell people I never had a manicure done, they always look at me in disbelief. I certainly have something against those acrylic plastic looking things that they stick on top of your natural nail, making that part of the finger seem thick and odd, and it has this odd curvature, the hand transforms, almost claw-like. It\'s incredibly ugly. So I don\'t think I\'ill go for that.....


I tried as hard as I could to go through all the messages I\'ve missed.....but it\'s ALOT. So I\'m sorry if I missed out anything.


You know, warner has been a great company. We had a lot of fun together and they respect me as a person, not a product. They have always listened, and it has been a very enriching 3 years. Of course I\'ll love to work with them, all my people are there. But as you know, contractual stuff is always complicated. We need to have a common goal and objective. We need to decide and agree upon our obligations and prohibitions. Seeing eye to eye on the same platform, is not an easy task. But we are both willing to try. It\'s certainly our first steps to our next journey. So, thank you all for your concerns.


ok I\'m going to check out the nail place....see you soon ok?



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:36 | 显示全部楼层

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love   2003-03-19

Hallo everyone

Firstly, wanna say thanks to all those who attended the concert at NTU. I\'m quite pleased with myself.....hehehe....I think my level of concentration was quite high.....PLUS the sound system was good, so the sound was good. I enjoyed performing that one hour.

These two weeks have been very enjoyable. Life is more routine, I sleep more than eight hours everyday and eat well everyday. It has been really self-indulgent. I had so much time for myself, I had the chance to read my diary a few days ago.

All my teenage anger and depression. I was half amused and half surprised to find out how different I have turned out. The 13 year-old-me would have been quite disturbed. I met my primary school teacher sometime back, (the one I was looking for but she never came to taiwan and I never looked for her). She still looks the same....except that she no longer ties her hair high on top of her head and she wasn\'t wearing canary yellow as I have so fondly remembered. But she still had that sparkle in her eyes. I was really happy to see her. This was how the conversation go:

\"Wa you are so different now ah?\"
\"Ya I remember I was really an awkward kid.\"
\"No, you weren\'t awkward, you were really quiet, and you loved to sing\"
\"Quiet? No I wasn\'t quiet.\"
\"Yes, you were so quiet in school.\"

I always thought I was the most talkative girl in the world then my teacher came and told me I was very quiet. Maybe I only talk after class, maybe there were so many thoughts in my head I thought I was saying them aloud. Anyway, we talked for about 20 minutes while my girl friend tapped her feet impatiently. So it ended there.

You know, you never know how you would turn out in the end. I swear I was a brooding pensive girl and my favourite story book was chicken little telling the whole world the sky is falling down. But now my hph reads, It\'s a wonderful day today!
I don\'t understand it myself, but I must have met something wonderful. And another war is coming and then there is SARs.

Frankly I\'m scared to death. And there is no conclusion to this message. Life is great now....and I hope it\'s great for all of you too.


Firstly, wanna say thanks to all those who attended the concert at NTU. I\'m quite pleased with myself.....hehehe....
I think my level of concentration was quite high.....PLUS the sound system was good, so the sound was good. I enjoyed performing that one hour.


These two weeks have been very enjoyable. Life is more routine, I sleep more than eight hours everyday and eat well everyday. It has been really self-indulgent. I had so much time for myself, I had the chance to read my diary a few days ago


All my teenage anger and depression. I was half amused and half surprised to find out how different I have turned out. The 13 year-old-me would have been quite disturbed. I met my primary school teacher sometime back, (the one I was looking for but she never came to taiwan and I never looked for her). She still looks the same....except that she no longer ties her hair high on top of her head and she wasn\'t wearing canary yellow as I have so fondly remembered. But she still had that sparkle in her eyes. I was really happy to see her. This was how the conversation go:


\"Wa you are so different now ah?\"
\"Ya I remember I was really an awkward kid.\"
\"No, you weren\'t awkward, you were really quiet, and you loved to sing\"
\"Quiet? No I wasn\'t quiet.\"
\"Yes, you were so quiet in school.\"


I always thought I was the most talkative girl in the world then my teacher came and told me I was very quiet. Maybe I only talk after class, maybe there were so many thoughts in my head I thought I was saying them aloud. Anyway, we talked for about 20 minutes while my girl friend tapped her feet impatiently. So it ended there.


You know, you never know how you would turn out in the end. I swear I was a brooding pensive girl and my favourite story book was chicken little telling the whole world the sky is falling down. But now my hph reads, It\'s a wonderful day today! I don\'t understand it myself, but I must have met something wonderful. And another war is coming and then there is SARs.

(LEO Man按:WWW在翻譯的時候沒有注意到時態,燕姿說「I was a brooding pensive girl and my favourite story book was……」用的都是「was」,所以翻譯時應該強調是「以前」,在這裡補充一下。另外,「But now my hph reads, It\'s a wonderful day today!」直接翻譯就像WWW所翻的,可是我現在的馬力指數是「今天是個超美好的一天」,也就是說燕姿現在每天都過得很快樂,跟以前十幾歲時候的心情完全不同。另外,感謝kranji的說明,SCR就是Severe Acute Respiratory——重症急性呼吸症候群。

Frankly I\'m scared to death. And there is no conclusion to this message. Life is great now....and I hope it\'s great for all of you too.



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:43 | 显示全部楼层

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This day   2003-04-02

Today a friend of mine told me that he has been in love with me for some time.....I almost didn\'t know what to say... It was certainly a cruel april fool\'s joke. Within 1 and 1/5 seconds I had to think of something appropriate to say. And that was it, an april fool\'s prank....

But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? and how much tears freely flowed? Too many.

This april fool\'s day I shall start taking melatonin to alleviate my dreams-filled nights which I presume, will only get worse.

I wish I have a lot more to say....but I don\'t.


(標題)This day

Today a friend of mine told me that he has been in love with me for some time.....I almost didn\'t know what to say... It was certainly a cruel april fool\'s joke. Within 1 and 1/5 seconds I had to think of something appropriate to say. And that was it, an april fool\'s prank....


But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? and how much tears freely flowed? Too many.


This april fool\'s day I shall start taking melatonin to alleviate my dreams-filled nights which I presume, will only get worse.
(LEO Man按: Melatonin是人類「腦下垂體」(松果腺,pineal gland)所會自然分泌的賀爾蒙(hormone),可以幫助好好入睡的……)

I wish I have a lot more to say....but I don\'t.


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:46 | 显示全部楼层

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Hallo hallo I'm here    2003-05-03

hi hi

sorry I\'ve been MIA for so long (my computer is cranky again, I can\'t read any Chinese words!!) ... I have been.....hmm what have i been doing? I still have insomnia...every night I dream about what happens in the day and what worries me....last night I dreamt that I had a fever of 59C (ok ridiculous) and there will be nights I dream of having difficulty doing something....(like driving a limo)

As compared to my last letter I think I\'m a lot happier.... Can\'t help worrying about SARS though.....Haven\'t been working for so long...not used to it. But am working on something totally unrelated (will tell you later on when I get better at it).

I think SARS has affected most of us, but besides not working, my life is still pretty much the same. It is not that infectious. Build up on your immune system by taking vitamins, anti-oxidants, proper diet, exercise....we should be able to get by. Those who fall sick easily should take extra precaution.

But whatever happens, LIFE GOES ON. Love the people around you and do whatever you have longed to do but never did for whatever reason.

I think that\'s all for the update for today.....hope everyone is healthy and happy.


(標題)Hallo hallo I\'m here

hi hi

sorry I\'ve been MIA for so long (my computer is cranky again, I can\'t read any Chinese words!!) ... I have been.....hmm what have i been doing? I still have insomnia...every night I dream about what happens in the day and what worries me....last night I dreamt that I had a fever of 59C (ok ridiculous) and there will be nights I dream of having difficulty doing something....(like driving a limo)
(LEO Man按:MIA=missing in action,作戰中失蹤的意思)

As compared to my last letter I think I\'m a lot happier.... Can\'t help worrying about SARS though.....Haven\'t been working for so long...not used to it. But am working on something totally unrelated (will tell you later on when I get better at it).

I think SARS has affected most of us, but besides not working, my life is still pretty much the same. It is not that infectious. Build up on your immune system by taking vitamins, anti-oxidants, proper diet, exercise....we should be able to get by. Those who fall sick easily should take extra precaution.

But whatever happens, LIFE GOES ON. Love the people around you and do whatever you have longed to do but never did for whatever reason.
I think that\'s all for the update for today.....hope everyone is healthy and happy.

I think that\'s all for the update for today.....hope everyone is healthy and happy.
(LEO Man按:最後這一句燕姿是後來加的,我五點半PO翻譯的時候燕姿還沒有修改,可見,燕姿留言後還是睡不著耶……~~~~>_<~~~~)


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:49 | 显示全部楼层

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hallo all I am fine but my computer is still not!!   2003-05-25


you know I think if I see another piece of nonsense about me and Dennis I think I will....erm...let\&#39;s see.......fall asleep. I think I\&#39;ve past the cursing and swearing stage, \"I HOPE THEY GET HERNIA!!\" I don\&#39;t understand how any normal day of my life can turn out to be so potentially heinous. I don\&#39;t understand how the people working for these magazine find any joy in their work. At the end of the day, what they do really amounts to nothing for them. How do you take pride in a job which intentions are to put people like us in a uncomfortable situation (I\&#39;m putting it mildly here), by magnifying our human side, that we are like everyone else?

but then again, why should I bother?

=) (award winning smile)

Today I went for recording. I am very proud to say it was a job well done WAHAHA. Editing is very tiring but gratifying. Piece by piece. fwah. Tomorrow will probably be another day of rest for me....muahaha, more shopping and house admiring muahaha. I\&#39;m sorry if I seem like a bimbo, but I love to look at pretty things, hear pretty sounds, think pretty thoughts....you get the picture.

Don\&#39;t have anything else to report, hope you all are healthy and happy.


Topic: hallo all I am fine but my computer is still not!!


you know I think if I see another piece of nonsense about me and Dennis I think I will....erm...let\&#39;s see.......fall asleep.
I think I\&#39;ve past the cursing and swearing stage, \"I HOPE THEY GET HERNIA!!\"
I don\&#39;t understand how any normal day of my life can turn out to be so potentially heinous.
I don\&#39;t understand how the people working for these magazine find any joy in their work.
At the end of the day, what they do really amounts to nothing for them.
How do you take pride in a job which intentions are to put people like us in a uncomfortable situation (I\&#39;m putting it mildly here), by magnifying our human side, that we are like everyone else?
當這份工作試圖放大我們人性的一面, 使我們這些人處于不\"舒服\"的情況裡(我這裡寫得算溫和了) ﹐來證明我們就和每個人一樣, 你如何能自工作中感到自豪呢?

but then again, why should I bother?

=) (award winning smile)
=) (得獎的笑容)

Today I went for recording. I am very proud to say it was a job well done WAHAHA.
Editing is very tiring but gratifying. Piece by piece. fwah.
Tomorrow will probably be another day of rest for me....muahaha, more shopping and house admiring muahaha.
I\&#39;m sorry if I seem like a bimbo, but I love to look at pretty things, hear pretty sounds, think pretty thoughts....you get the picture.

Don\&#39;t have anything else to report, hope you all are healthy and happy.


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:52 | 显示全部楼层

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I\&#39;m in the studio now    2003-06-10


because this computer can read CHINESE, I finally can see all of your messages.....and strangely, I was really excited and happy to see everyone\&#39;s name and that you all are still here.

So silly right?

I think I\&#39;m very happy.Cos dennis is here with me haha. But I think I haven\&#39;t been to taiwan for a long time ya? I think my longest break yet....I fear that my Chinese might have deteriorated....but you all will help me right? I miss all my friends in Taiwan I really hope I can see all of you soon. BUT ACTUALLY, I\&#39;ve been very busy here. There are a thousand and one things on my mind and last night I couldn\&#39;t sleep til 4am. This week my pottery is interrupted and I don\&#39;t know when I can resume. It\&#39;s therapeutic.

You know the last time I was in Malaysia, my colleagues told me I forgot to thank the Malaysian fans during MTV Awards!!! You know it\&#39;s not intentional but still I\&#39;m very sorry. I think I will go to malaysia for promotion this time round. I promised Howard.

ok I have to go edit my song.

Be patient ya? I\&#39;ll be working again SOON.


because this computer can read CHINESE, I finally can see all of your messages.....and strangely, I was really excited and happy to see everyone\&#39;s name and that you all are still here.

So silly right?

I think I\&#39;m very happy.Cos dennis is here with me haha. But I think I haven\&#39;t been to taiwan for a long time ya? I think my longest break yet....I fear that my Chinese might have deteriorated....but you all will help me right? I miss all my friends in Taiwan I really hope I can see all of you soon. BUT ACTUALLY, I\&#39;ve been very busy here. There are a thousand and one things on my mind and last night I couldn\&#39;t sleep til 4am. This week my pottery is interrupted and I don\&#39;t know when I can resume. It\&#39;s therapeutic.

You know the last time I was in Malaysia, my colleagues told me I forgot to thank the Malaysian fans during MTV Awards!!! You know it\&#39;s not intentional but still I\&#39;m very sorry. I think I will go to malaysia for promotion this time round. I promised Howard.
你們知道上次我在馬來西亞,我的同事告訴我,我忘記了在MTV大獎的時候向馬來西亞歌迷致謝 !!! 你們知道這不是故意的 但是我還是感到抱歉.我想我這次會去馬來西亞宣傳.我保證會謝謝你們.
ok I have to go edit my song.
好啦 我該去寫我的歌.
Be patient ya? I\&#39;ll be working again SOON.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:55 | 显示全部楼层

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HAllo   2003-07-20

It\&#39;s very seldom that I reply anything ya?

But I have to say, if you think I\&#39;m not good enough, then you don\&#39;t have to buy my album isn\&#39;t it? I just have to be good enough the best way I can. I don\&#39;t think I can please everyone, and believe me, I will never do it again.

Thanks for buying my previous albums.

As for rest of you, see you very soon. X



It\&#39;s very seldom that I reply anything ya?
事實上我很少作回應 ﹖

But I have to say, if you think I\&#39;m not good enough, then you don\&#39;t have to buy my album isn\&#39;t it? I just have to be good enough the best way I can. I don\&#39;t think I can please everyone, and believe me, I will never do it again.
但是我必須要說﹐如果你認為我不夠好的話﹐ 那你就不必買我的專輯對嗎 ﹖ 我只要做到我的最好。 我想我是無法滿足所有的人﹐請相信我﹐我不會再為這事情作回應。

Thanks for buying my previous albums.

As for rest of you, see you very soon. X



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:57 | 显示全部楼层

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2004      2004-01-04


I haven&#39;t left any message here for a %@$#% long time. I still come here to read your messages from time to time. How is everyone?

It&#39;s been a rolla-costa year. And we are all another year older, another year wiser. Let&#39;s hope 2004 will be a smoother ride. Be GOOD!!



I haven&#39;t left any message here for a %@$#% long time. I still come here to read your messages from time to time. How is everyone?

It&#39;s been a rolla-costa year. And we are all another year older, another year wiser. Let&#39;s hope 2004 will be a smoother ride. Be GOOD!!


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 13:59 | 显示全部楼层

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CHINESE NEW YEAR   2004-01-21

Dear all,

I&#39;m waiting for my reunion dinner to start, my uncles and cousins will be here and my mum will be anxiously waiting for the verdict on her prawn rolls....not that I can feast on them, I get rashes when I eat too many prawns.

Chinese New Year is one of the rare time when EVERYONE gets together, then we play poker or mahjong with tiny stakes. And we get red packets that come with good wishes "healthy/prosperous/smooth year ahead!"

So it&#39;s great to be home!! Hope you all have a sumptous dinner and many red packets too. GONG XI FA CAI.


Dear all,

I&#39;m waiting for my reunion dinner to start, my uncles and cousins will be here
我正在等著我家的團年飯開始, 我的叔叔舅舅及表兄弟姐妹都會到來,
and my mum will be anxiously waiting for the verdict on her prawn rolls....not that I can feast on them, I get rashes when I eat too many prawns.
而我媽媽則緊張的等候她的蝦卷煮熟..不過我卻不能大飽口褔, 因為我會在吃太多蝦後出紅疹的.

Chinese New Year is one of the rare time when EVERYONE gets together, then we play poker or mahjong with tiny stakes.
農曆新年是一個很難得的日子, 因為家裡每一個人都會聚在一起, 然後我們會玩撲克牌或打很少注的麻將.
And we get red packets that come with good wishes "healthy/prosperous/smooth year ahead!"
我們也會收到充滿祝福的紅包, 祝福我們會有 "健康/豐盛/順利的一年"

So it&#39;s great to be home!! Hope you all have a sumptous dinner and many red packets too. GONG XI FA CAI.
所以在家真的很好呢!! 希望你們每一位都會有一頓豐富的晚飯, 以及收到很多紅包喔~



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